Network Design, Install & Tech Support

At CSDNET, we’ve designed, installed, and managed some of the most robust networks out there, for clients that cannot afford network outage for a few minutes, much less a few hours nor days.
More to the point, we’ve kept those clients up through events that could have been disasters if a resilient network was not in place. They stay with us for the same reason you should call us – because we’re thorough, and ultimately effective. We can also help you set up a second data center that will provide network redundancy, resiliency, and connectivity for back-up servers and storage, and provide connectivity to crucial applications within minutes of any event. Better yet, we can set this up quickly and affordably.
When building a network, most of our competitors start with the technology they’ve got a contract or partnership to sell – whether that technology is right for your organization or not. CSDNET is different. We build the most elegant, powerful networks around by using the technology that is right for the job – no matter the name on the box.
And that’s just one of many things we do differently. We don’t do lazy “plug and play” dynamic configurations that ultimately cause more problems than they solve.
We design the network with the intent of knowing how every piece of equipment will connect and function on the network – even after we installed the network because we want our network to be something you can depend on, not something you’ll have to worry about.
And we never throw up our hands and say “that’s not our problem” just because the problem may have initiated with someone else. If it’s your network, and you’re our client, it is our problem, and we find a solution together. Period. If you want a network that’s fast and easy to manage, there’s only one right way to do it. Hire world-class technicians who take the time to know your site and your needs better than anyone else. And then let them build a thoughtful, elegant network based on what they learn.