Disaster Avoidance Planning, Design, Implementation, and Support
As we’ve seen over the last few years, natural disaster can strike at any time, without warning.
So ask yourself – if something were to happen tomorrow, would you and your network be prepared? Could your organization tolerate a loss in service? Can your users afford to be without access to critical applications? If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, we should talk. Because, at CSDNET, we’ve designed and managed some of the most robust disaster avoidance systems out there, for clients that cannot afford network or server failure for a few moments, much less a few days.
More to the point, we’ve kept those clients for decades at a time, through countless events that could have been disasters were our systems not in place. They stay with us for the same reason you should call us – because we’re thorough, and ultimately effective. We can help you set up a second data center that will back-up servers and storage, and provide connectivity to crucial applications within minutes of any event. Better yet, we can set this up quickly and affordably.