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Cyber Security and Network Segmentation

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Risk Assessment & Vulnerability Scanning

External Networks


Wireless Networks


Internal Networks


Infrastructure Assessment

Services Offer

✔️ Segmentation/Segregation of Sensitive Data and Apps
✔️ Network Diagrams
✔️ Cyber Insurance Compliance Remediation
✔️Staff Development in Security Awareness
✔️Network Traffic Reporting, Analysis and Management
✔️Next Generation Firewall(s) Design, Integration and Implementation
✔️High Availability Firewall Design and Integration with Multiple ISP Aggregation
✔️Secure Email Implementations
✔️Data Auditing and Protection

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Subscription Services

✔️Customized Reporting Schedules
✔️Intrusion Prevention Services
✔️Intrusion Detection Services (Network based)
✔️Intrusion Detection Services (Host Based)
✔️Continual Internal and External Vulnerability Scanning Services
✔️On-site Auditing Packages
✔️Remote Auditing Packages

Protect Your Vision

Security has never been more critical, and with CSDNET you get the best systems the industry has to offer, and the best service you need to keep your critical assets protected.

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