Telephony and VoIP Solutions

Afraid to take the VoIP plunge! By examining your current telecommunication operating expenses, we may be able to uncover potential cost savings. Even non-IP enabled PBX and Key systems can take full advantage of your IP network.
At CSDNET Telephony is NOT a new term for us. Since the beginning, CSDNET has been a Voice and Data design, integration and support firm. Many of our competitors are telephony immigrants. They know IP Telephony; however, they are not familiar with traditional PBX voice solutions and this is where we realize our advantage. IP Telephony, having the ability to run over your data network does offer tremendous benefits and features and in some cases, not all, cost savings. Our competitors often sell on “cost savings” with IP Telephony; however, this is not always the case. They sell on this “benefit” because they do not know or understand traditional PBX technology; therefore, they sell on IP Telephony “benefits” only without understand the technology, the needs, and the requirements of a telephone system. And they sell on the convergence without really understanding why. You don’t always need to converge, or migrate to IP Telephony, to save money and more easily manage your environment. Without having traditional PBX experience many firms out there just don’t know this and you wind up spending tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars that may best serve you in other investments.
If you are migrating from a traditional PBX to an IP solution it is paramount for your integrator to have traditional PBX understanding and experience as well as IP Telephony and data working understanding and expertise. In the middle of the project, if you need a back door and need to revert to your traditional PBX – don’t you want to work with someone who understands that PBX?
With voice integration there is no room for “down-time” and at CSDNET we understand that and we bring more than 20 years of demonstrable experience in designing, installing and supporting both traditional PBX and IP Telephony Solutions for some of the largest organizations in the NYC Metropolitan Area. Our voice expertise, coupled with our more than 20 years of data and networking expertise, ensures that when dealing with CSDNET you are working with a firm that is not “testing the waters” but rather helping you direct them!